The PICK Comp - League Of Legends Team Gamestyles

tips & tricks

What is the most satisfying thing to do in League of Legends?

There might be so many answers such as carrying out a wombo combo perfectly, stealing a baron, or even winning the game like ‘Xpeke’ with a sneaky backdoor. If you ask me, none of them is as satisfying as killing your opponent in 0.00 seconds as Rengar does.

In League, many players want to ‘carry’ the game and because of that, assassins are always the most popular champions in the game. Today, I will talk about a composition that you can have the most outcome by picking champions that can create you ‘one-shot’ possibilities. Before moving on, if you want to remember what the main compositions were, check our previous blog post!

Pick compositions have always been one of the most popular compositions in both pro-play and solo-queue. The main attribute you expect from your champions for this composition is Burst Damage. You need 1 or 2 champions that can delete an enemy champion in less than a second like LeBlanc or Kha’Zix. In addition, besides the damage, you also need a couple of champions with single target CC such as Vi or Morgana.

The key idea behind this composition is moving all around the map to force your opponent to make mistakes, find uneven fights, and catch your opponent’s most important targets. Do not forget that to achieve this; you need good vision across the map so wards and trinkets will be your best friends all game long.

The main weakness of this composition is team fights. The champions you pick to create this composition don’t have aoe CC or damage so team fights will be insanely hard for you even when you are ahead. Because of that, you need to avoid teamfights, and if/when your opponent decides to play the game like ‘ARAM’, you should just go to other lanes/objectives and force them to split.

A good example of a Pick composition is:

Top - Camille
Jungle - Kayn
Mid - Orianna
Bottom - Kai'sa
Support - Pyke

In this composition, both Pyke and Camille have enough CC to set up ganks for Twisted Fate after he hits 6. Every lane has hard CC also for Kayn ganks and Kayn moves around the map with his high mobility to pick easy kills. (If Pyke lets him) Also, Pyke has 2 CC abilities which can assist Kai’Sa to use her ultimate.

Thank you for reading this blog. I will share more information about the other 3 compositions and what’s the relation between them but you can also find this kind of information on Randomonium’s youtube channel.

Good luck in the new season!

Article written by
Kaan Doyran
ProComps Co-Founder
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