The ENGAGE Comp - League Of Legends Team Gamestyles

tips & tricks

Do you how many different team compositions you can create in League of Legends?

When the game was officially released in North America on 27th October 2009, there were less than 50 champions to play with.

Since then, many other champions were introduced to both the Lore and game itself and League of Legends became insanely popular all around the world.

If we do the math of the question l asked today, in January 2022: We have a total of 157 champions (without counting Zeri) which means there are 77.754.997.320b different team compositions you can create!

The real question is: Which composition should you use to both have fun and win the games?

Well, there is no certain answer to this question but all I can do is explain different types of gamestyles and then you can pick the one that fits you and your team the best.

At this point, I would like to give you some basic explanation on what these types are in League and also in ProComps aproach.

We can say that there are 5 main compositions. Engage, Pick, Split, Siege, Protect, and a combination of all these: balanced.

If we want to explain these compositions in only one sentence:

Engage is the composition in which you are seeking for 5v5 team fights.

Pick is if you are trying to kill your enemy by out numbering them at skirmish fights like 2v1, 3v2, etc.

Siege is if you try to get objectives with your range advantage and disengage when the enemy tries to start a team fight.

Split is the composition in which you divide your team as 1-4 and 1-3-1 and while your solo players try to take towers; others try to play safe and clear minion waves.

Protect is when you give all your resources to a hyper-carry and play around him/her.

In this article, we will talk about Engage more in detail.

Engage is the most common composition in League of Legends.

This comp also has several other names such as attack comp, wombo combo comp, team fight, or all-in comp.

The main idea behind this composition is pressing ‘R’ in sync and win! Or at least try to.

To create this comp, there are some key attributes you need from the champions you select. You need at least 1 hard engage champion with AOE CC like Jarvan IV and you need to support this champion(s) with a massive amount of AOE damage like Fiddlesticks and Miss Fortune. The advantage of this composition is that it is the easiest and straight forward of the game. Although you need to keep in mind what your opponent is playing too as I mentioned previously, your win condition is pressing ‘R’ at the correct place and time with your team. If you can take the enemy team's win condition out, it can be an easy game for you.

On the other hand, while playing this gamestyle you always need to remember that you are only strong while your ultimates are ready to use. If you try to fight without your ‘wombo combo’, it can be a disaster for you.

Here is an example of what a good Engage team looks like:

Top - Malphite
Jungle - Viego
Mid - Orianna
Bottom - Miss Fortune
Support - Leona 

Malphite and Orianna have insane synergy with the ‘ball delivery’ system they bring and Leona and Miss Fortune might have one of the strongest level 6 bot lane synergies. When you start to move as 5 and actively look for team fights after using your ultimates, Viego can clean up whatever is left. 

Thank you for reading this blog. I will keep sharing details on other types of compositions in the following posts but if you are interested in this topic, you should definitely check Randomonium YouTube channel.

Good luck in the new season!

Article written by
Kaan Doyran
ProComps Co-Founder
The Best Drafting Tool For League Of Legends Teams & Coaches
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